Jennifer is a life long NM resident. She has been in the medical field in some variation since 1997. Her certifications as a nursing assistant and veterinary assistant have given her a unique skill set to assess her clients needs. Through her training in therapeutic and medical massage therapy these skills have been even more finely tuned.
She graduated from Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute in July 2012 with Honors. She completed UTMI's Medical Massage program in December of 2012. With the 2 programs combined she has 1080 hours of hands on education.
Jennifer Selph
NM LMT 7400
Certificate in Medical Massage
Code of Ethics
I will ensure accurate documentation and follow HIPPA regulations and state law.
I will keep the treatment room and equipment clean and sanitized at all times.
I will only provide those services in which I am competent and qualified to perform.
I will maintain both personal and professional boundries at all times.
I will not discriminate against any client on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
I will be on time, prepared and focused on each client.
I will continue to further my education to provide my clients with the best treatments possible.
I am a part of the Por Vida Therapeutics network. As a member of this network I honor the discounts that are offered to local business. Those businesses are Alibi, Albuquerque the magazine, Sorenson, Presbyterian, APS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Arca, Altitude promotions, NM health connections, CNM, Red Cross, PNM and Tricore.